Delete (Backspace): Pressing Backspace button of keyboard will delete selected element of working screen.Insert (F9)/ Overwrite (F10)/ Replace edit (F11)/ Place On (F12): Press F9 functional key of keyboard for Insert Edit option, F10 for overwrite edit, F11 for replace edit and F12 for Place on top edit option.Add Marker (M): Pressing M button of keyboard will add Maker at your desired place on Timeline.Mark clip (X): For Marking clip which you may edit later you can press X button of keyboard.Set Mark In (I)/ Set Mark Out (O): For ‘Set Mark In’ option press I button of keyboard and for ‘Mark Out’ press O button of keyboard.

Go to previous clip (Up Arrow)/ Go to next clip (Down Arrow): For going to previous clip press Up Arrow button of keyboard and for going to next clip press Down Arrow button of keyboard.Go to End of Timeline (End): Pressing End button of keyboard will take you at the end of the Timeline.Go to Starting of Timeline (Home): For going to starting of Timeline press Home button of keyboard.Play around (/): For playing around current selected frame you can press / button of keyboard.Go to Last Frame (’): Press ’ button for going to Last frame of any video footage.Go to First Frame ( ): For making different type of adjustment in first frame you can use ‘Go to First Frame’ option and shortcut of it is button of keyboard.Stop (K): By pressing K button of keyboard you can stop playing clip or track on working screen of this software.Play Forward (L): Same as Play Reverse you can do Play Forward by pressing L button of keyboard.Play Reverse (J): If you want to play any video in reverse frame for different type of purpose you can press J button of keyboard as shortcut of it.Go to Next Frame ( button of keyboard and it will take you to next key frame.Go to previous Frame ([): By pressing [ button of keyboard you can go to previous frame any time very quickly.Toggle hand or Selection In Window (H): Toggle hand or Selection In Window can do by pressing H button of keyboard.The shortcut of it is G button of keyboard. Add Flag (G): For specify any component in your work add flag to it and by this you can identify that component easily.Match Frame (F): It is necessary to match frame with other for proper result of our work in this software and you can do this by pressing F button of keyboard.Enable or Disable clip (D): If you want to enable or disable clip from current working track then you can press D button of keyboard.Grade from One Clip Prior (=): For apply grade from One Clip Prior just press = button of keyboard.Grade from Two Clips Prior (-): For applying Grade from Two Clips Prior you can press – button of keyboard.Extract Current Selected Node (E): If you want to extract current selected node from other node then you can simple press E button.Source/Timeline viewer (Q): For having Source or timeline viewer you can press Q button of keyboard.3D animation, modelling, simulation, game development & others